Purex International Ltd, leading manufacturer of high performance fume extraction systems has just launched a brand new range of 50mm diameter flexible stainless steel extraction arms.
One problem end users have with some extraction arms is that after time the arms can lose their ability to stay in position. This can cause the arm to drop, potentially damaging expensive objects on the bench or products on a production line below them.
Another problem is that if the arm fails and moves from the optimum extraction position it would allow hazardous fumes to enter the workplace and potentially cause production problems within a process.
To solve these problems Purex has launched a range of 50mm diameter – high flow stainless steel flexible extraction arms. These allow the user to position the arm precisely in the optimum extraction position, safe in the knowledge that it will stay there.
The Purex arms also include an integrated airflow valve that can be closed when the arm is not in use. This feature, coupled with a Purex Flow Control Extractor, means that the extraction machine can slow its motor while still maintaining extraction with any other arms in use, therefore saving energy.
Purex manufacture a wide range of equipment used to extract fumes and dust from varied applications such as soldering, laser coding & engraving, printing, welding and many others. More information on Purex and their products is available from www.purex.co.uk